menu degustação
tasting menu
Honey / Balsamic / Flowers
Avocado / Turmeric / Levíticus / Chili
Thai curry / Tamarind
Ginger / Butter / Cironella
Puff pastry / Vegetable jus / Sorrel
Egg yolk / Black truffle / Chards
Brussels sprouts / Hazelnut oil
Coriander / Elderflower / Kaffir lime
Full Menu 165€
Wine Pairing
8 moments 125€
5 moments 95€
Sensory Moments
tasting menu
tasting menu
Vanilla / Balsamic di Modena / Bolos lêvedos
Mango / Turmeric / Horseradish
Noisette butter / Lemon
Bearnaise / White asparagus / Salicornia / Marine plankton
Sea urchin / Cauliflower / Scarlet Shrimp
Ravioli / Citronella / Lime caviar / Sorrel / Coriander
Turnips / Mushrooms / Macis / Topinambur
Raspberry / Vanilla / Elderflower / Lemongrass
Full Menu 235€
Wine Pairing
8 moments 125€
5 moments 95€
VAT included at the current rate.
If you suffer from food allergies or have any form of food intolerance, please inform a member of our staff. We cannot guarantee that our products have been prepared in a hypoallergenic environment.
No dish, food or drink, including the couvert, may be charged if not request by the client or the client unusable it.